Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Reducing Cleaning Tasks Can Actually Increase The Time

Whether it's due to budget cuts or just begin plan lazy, sometimes we clean less frequently than we should. But according to this article from CleanLink.com , this can actually cause us to exert more effort, time and money due to previous buildup. They found that cleaning more frequently as opposed to less often can actually maintain better results.

Sam, Flickr.com
Most of us have encountered situations where cleaning task frequencies have been reduced to reflect budget cuts. This can be a difficult time for the Building Service Contractor since the customer needs to understand the relationship between tasks, frequencies, expectations and time standards.

Change in frequency can impact time standards. The usual rule of thumb is that the less often a task is performed the longer it takes per visit. This principle applies primarily to tasks considered “daily” (5 x week) such as trash removal, dusting, vacuuming, sweeping/mopping and restroom cleaning.

For example: if it takes 30 minutes per 1,000 square feet to perform a task daily (250 x year) it can take longer to perform the same task to the same standards (such as 1 x week or 52 x year). When services are reduced to 1 x week (52 x year), more detail work must be performed at the same visit thereby usually taking longer.

To read more about cleaning frequency, click here

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