Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Contractors' Role In Earth Day

Happy Earth Day! Sky Pro practices green cleaning because we know it can help both the environment AND the bottom line. Read this CleanLink.com article and see how the cleaning industry has such a large impact on health and the environment.
Cheryl, Flickr.com

There is no doubt that green cleaning has become a part of our industry, especially in certain building segments and parts of the country. Years ago it was an optional program offered at a premium price to increase profit margins. But today it is often an expected method of doing business and is increasingly being required by customers, especially as the cost of green products continues to move toward cost neutrality compared to their traditional counterparts.

While many contractors care deeply about environmental issues, others do green cleaning for pragmatic business reasons. Candidly, I got over the moralizing and "doing it for the right reason" a long time ago and am just delighted that companies are using greener products, focusing on conserving chemicals and other products, training their workers better, and seeking methods to reduce the use of energy and water even when it is supplied by their customers. Regardless of "why" a company does these things, they result in reduced negative impacts on both health and the environment, and they're good for business.

To continue reading this article on green cleaning, click here.

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