Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Installed Base of Smart Water Meters to Surpass 153 Million by 2022

Cleaning with pure water isn't just important for sanitary purposes but drinking purposes as well. This Water and Wastes Digest article examines the evolution of the smart water networks market, with a focus on drinking water systems.

John "K", Flickr.com
Traditionally a conservative business, the water utility industry is being forced into change by growing demand, aging infrastructure and tougher environmental targets. Smart water networks promise to help reduce non-revenue water losses, increase reliability and improve operational efficiency. Smart water meters are a key component of smart water networks, but other monitoring and control technologies are becoming increasingly important, as well, for leak detection, pressure management, and water quality monitoring. According to a recent report from Navigant Research, the installed base of advanced and smart water meters will reach more than 153 million worldwide by 2022.

“Providing an integrated view of all the elements of the water network, smart water networks will enable better management of water and energy resources while improving customer service,” said Eric Woods, research director with Navigant Research. “Yet, this transformation will take time, spanning decades rather than just a few years.”

Although water is becoming a focal point of many cities’ sustainability agendas, capital constraints present a major barrier to the modernization of existing water systems, according to the report

Click here for the full article.

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