Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Safety Maturity: Three Crucial Elements of Best-in-Class Safety

Three by Hub via flickr.com
When safety is seen as a pointless expense, instead of how business is done, it can create unnecessary downtime and threats to worker safety. What does it look like when a company excels at both safety and business? Read an excerpt from EHSToday.com on this topic below. 
The human cost of occupational accidents is vast. Worker safety is a fundamental human need and requirement in industrial settings. It protects workers, prevents unnecessary downtime and satisfies standards compliance.
However, plant-floor safety long was viewed as a costly obligation that added little value to operations. Today, best-in-class manufacturers realize that combining employee behavior, procedures and technology enables them to go far beyond simple compliance to deliver improved productivity and dramatically lower injury rates.
Every manufacturer's approach to safety is unique and dependent on factors ranging from vertical market, company size and operations, potential hazards and regional safety standards. Looking beyond the makeup of a company's safety programs and examining the larger trends of the best performers can provide valuable insights into what can be accomplished when safety is implemented holistically, with consideration to a manufacturer's larger operations.
Read the full article on EHSToday.com. 

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