Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Understanding Enhanced Water Technologies

This is an excerpt from a CleanLink article.

Earlier this year, the Massachusetts Port Authority (Massport) Board focused its cleaning services for the Boston Logan International Airport on certain criteria, one of which was the “least harmful cleaning program” possible. In July, a decision was made to require the cleaning crew to use the most sustainable products and cleaning practices they could, while achieving the same cleaning results.

As a result, the airport — which services 29.3 million passengers a year — began using enhanced water to keep surfaces clean. The custodial program now utilizes a combination of aqueous water-activated technologies for chemical-free disinfection and floor stripping.

In doing so, Massport joins the ranks of hotels, schools, hospitals and office buildings that are exploring the benefits of water-activated cleaning technologies.

To read the full article, visit cleanlink.com.

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