Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Cost Cuts and Profit Growth with Automated Cleaning

Along with the primary safety benefits of automated window cleaning solutions, it's also worth addressing the cost cutting and profit-growth potential.

In many cleaning applications, the highest cost percentages arise from labor expenses. Manual cleaning operations are time-consuming and labor- intensive, ultimately translating into higher labor costs. Replacing these methods with an automated system can result in as much as 70 to 80 percent in labor savings. Implementing automated window cleaning systems can also cut equipment costs, as companies can avoid purchasing safety equipment, such as guardrails and harnesses, as well as squeegees, buckets and other cleaning supplies. Plus, some automated systems offer water-only cleaning, which also eliminates the additional cost of detergents.

Improving safety has a direct impact on a company’s bottom line, not only by reducing the actual pay-out for work-related injuries, but also from an insurance standpoint. By reducing the risk of window cleaning operations, companies can decrease the cost of required insurance coverage. Typically, insurance rates are directly correlated with how risky or potentially dangerous the specified task is. Therefore, by utilizing technology that eliminates the risk to employees, companies may be eligible to lower their premiums for the mandated liability insurance.

1 comment:

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