Tuesday, June 11, 2013

The Increased Safety of Automated Window Washing

When selecting a window cleaning solution, safety is a top priority. As previously discussed, the typical window cleaning solutions require workers to be suspended over the side of a building. The inherent danger associated with a boatswain chair or scaffolding mandates that employees be highly trained. These requirements can lead to additional expenses and a decreased availability of skilled employees.

With automated window cleaning solutions, operators remain firmly planted on the ground or rooftop, and they are not subject to the same safety risks that workers who are suspended in boatswain’s chairs and scaffolds must endure. Workers maintain control over device operation in order to produce the necessary cleaning results, but they are no longer required to put themselves in perilous situations that could result in falling multiple stories and sustaining severe or fatal injuries. By removing workers from harm’s way, companies can easily meet any strict OSHA and other safety guideline without providing additional safety equipment.

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