Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Four Reasons Your Building Isn’t Water Efficient

Sky Pro thinks conserving water is important. And that's what they strive to do while washing windows with their water-conscious machines. Buildings agrees and shares the top four ways to conserve water in your facility.

While building owners and managers tend to look at the big picture to make their building more efficient and profitable, it’s really the small things that drain their budget. After performing hundreds of water audits, here are the top four culprits I find that make a building water inefficient.

Cooling Towers
Using 30% of your building’s total water consumption, cooling towers are usually located on rooftops and go practically unnoticed unless they completely fail. They rely on water evaporation to regulate temperature, which increases the concentration of minerals in the remaining water. If left undiluted, this will cause scaling on the equipment surfaces that can cause small leaks to occur. These leaks can drain thousands of gallons and go completely undetected – until you get an enormous water bill!

Toilets can also account for more than 30% of the water used inside a facility. A valve stuck open in one toilet can waste 200 gallons per hour. Over a weekend, this would cost $157 in Los Angeles, $220 in Tampa, and $360 in Atlanta.

Click here to read the last two points.

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