Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Using Fall Protection Equipment Properly

Climbing White Tiger by Dean Croshere via flickr.com
Even though SkyPro and the SkyPro Mini greatly reduce the risk of fall when cleaning windows on buildings, it's always a good idea to brush up on fall protection best practices. Start the New Year off on a safe foot with this article by Craig Firi on the Construction Business Owner website.  

In 2011, the leading cause of worker fatalities on construction sites were falls, accounting for 251 deaths. Fatal falls are often the result of a lack of proper safety gear or the misunderstanding or misuse of equipment. The effectiveness of fall protection equipment, no matter how durable or reliable, is compromised when workers don’t use it correctly.

To ensure the safety of their at-height teams, construction companies must get serious about fall protection equipment and learn what systems and components are ideal for each job. Safety gear is not one-size-fits-all, nor does one product fit all applications.

You should be familiar with the following four functional categories of fall protection equipment:

Fall arrest – If any risk that a worker may fall…

Read the full article at Constructionbusinessowner.com.

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