Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Managers Discuss Sustainability Efforts

Sustainability Building by Hietsun Photography via flickr.com
Facility Maintenance Decisions hosted a round-table with building and grounds managers across the country on the topic of sustainability. SkyPro prioritizes being clean n' green with our window cleaning systems, so we wanted to hear what decisions real managers make to tackle these issues. Read more on Facilities.net, and check out the excerpt below. 

Devaney: [...] I once asked a group during a staff development training session, “What does sustainability mean to you?” So many related it to recycling. I was a bit surprised at that. So for the next hour we discussed sustainable initiatives. Recycling is much more than paper. We recycle lamps, batteries, engine oil, carpet, construction building materials, furniture, equipment, vehicles, to name a few. There is a sustainability policy associated with every department, from construction and design, procurement services, facilities, landscape and grounds, on through the academic programs. Planet, people and prosperity; relate one of the three, or all, in every business decision made, and you have a successful sustainable program.

Read the whole discussion on Facilities.net.

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