Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Transitioning from Traditional Cleaning Techniques to Improve Safety and Profitability

In today’s marketplace, businesses are seeking any advantage to gain a competitive edge. One way to improve public perception and company reputation is to maintain a clean facility from the inside out. While cleaning the inside of the building presents its own myriad of challenges, maintaining the exterior can be a dangerous, or even deadly, endeavor. Traditional window washing methods, such as boatswain’s chairs or scaffolds, require workers to hang precariously over the side of multiple story buildings and leave them vulnerable to falls and other injuries.

According to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), work-related fall hazards are a serious concern, resulting in over 700 deaths in 2010. Additionally, fall injuries constitute a considerable financial burden for companies. Workers’ compensation and medical costs are rising from occupational fall incidents, and according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, are estimated at approximately $70 billion annually in the United Sates. These costly injuries directly impact a company’s potential for profitability.

With revenue growth driving most business models, facility managers need a solution that allows them to improve safety without impacting productivity or profitability. The evolution of automated window cleaning systems offers a solution that simultaneously meets these demands.

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